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The Effective Governance for
Economic Development (EGED) programme
The Effective Governance for Economic Development (EGED programme) in the Tajikistan, 2021-2025
The amount of the allowance per beneficiary has increased, and the differentiation of benefits has been intensified, thus targeting poor families according to the number of children. With the support of the EGED Programme a new formula for calculating benefits, which uses accurate data and takes into account the inflation rate was adopted by the Joint Order was issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan. The formula significantly enhances the targeting power of the assistance and reduces errors that unreasonably deprive some families of support.

Strengthening accountability
The EGED programme managed to create the space for civil society and media to interact in free spirit and with a critical eye on the traditionally sensitive subject of the TSA mechanism. Civil society and media effectively informed central and local governments about gaps in the implementation of the TSA mechanism. The EGED Programme achieved significant results in its work with vulnerable households (potential TSA recipients) in Khatlon oblast, which has the highest poverty rate in the Republic of Tajikistan. These households now have better access to TSA information, support and counseling, and in several cases, as a result of civil society activism, the households have been added to the list of beneficiaries and additional support has been provided to persons with disabilities as a result of media coverage

Implementing partner:
Implementing partners:
Beneficiary partners:
Beneficiary partners:
Media about the EGED Programme
in Tajikistan